Nature Hub Brainstorm - Proberts Barn, May 2024

Proberts Barn was branded a 'spaceship' lambing shed in the Hereford Times and there was a lot of local opposition when it was put up. An idea emerged to create a 'nature hub' around the barn and turn the eyesore into something that supported nature restoration on the hill. This walk was arranged with a view to hearing everyone's ideas as to what we could do to help support more wildlife around the barn. It turns out that our Wye Valley Wilders were bursting with knowledge and ideas! Here are a few of them:

  • native trees and shrubs planted close to the barn so it's not so visible from the valley

  • plant climbing ivy, wild rose, honeysuckle up the barn, possible green roof

  • provide roosting, nesting, weather protection for birds and animals - swift boxes, etc

  • ponds, scrapes, wetlands around the barn

  • bat boxes, insect hotels and piles of brash, logs, stones, leaves


Mowley Valley project visit – June 2024


Proberts Farm walk & networking - July 2023