Mowley Valley project visit – June 2024

We were delighted that so many Wye Valley Wilders were able to visit the glorious Mowley Valley and we were very grateful to be hosted by Catherine Janson (project coordinator), Tony Norman, Sarah Cadwallader and David Griffith.

 Catherine and team walked us through the valley, which at this time of year, is extravagantly green and flower filled.  The Mowley team talked to us about the progress they have seen over the last few years as their management approach has allowed a wilder and more exciting valley to emerge.

 We talked about the range of habitats that they have created with the aim of supporting as wide a variety of fauna and flora as possible.  The River Arrow flowed gently through meadows, scrub and ancient woodland.  Scrapes had been created while trees that had fallen onto the pasture were left to roughen the woodland edge.  Catherine and team talked about the management decisions they had taken and the results they were seeing – the vibrant insect and birdlife was a testament to the success of their approach.  It is an incredibly beautiful valley and wonderful to know it is in such good hands!

 Catherine and the team are extraordinarily knowledgeable and there were plenty of questions from the group who also enjoyed sharing thoughts and ideas with each other. 


Wilder Pentwyn project walk - July 2024


Nature Hub Brainstorm - Proberts Barn, May 2024