Proberts Farm walk & networking - July 2023
There were more than 50 Wye Valley Wilders at our first network event which was brilliant. It was a beautiful day and we started with a delicious lunch served from the back of a quad bike, kindly provided by the Dales at Chapel Farm. The walk was steep in parts as the farm has the highest fence line on this part of the Black Mountains. Tim and Victoria Heffer own the land and explained their aim to manage it in a different way with a view to creating a mosaic of habitats and allow wildlife to return. A small number of White Park cattle were grazing the land, together with some Large Black pigs who were helping to rootle out some of the bracken. Some wild bee hives were put up and scrapes / ponds created.
There were many lively discussions as we completed a circuit walk of the farm. These were happily continued over a cup of tea where we talked about how best to engage the group, hold events, keep in touch, etc, and drive nature restoration in whichever way we could in our local area.